Monday, June 20, 2011

Steak and Eggs

Wheaties are for wusses, this is the breakfast of champions. Steak and eggs. Rib eye steak, fresh grated hash browns and sunny side up eggs. Breakfection.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Fresh Ground Chuck

Summer is here. So I bought this thing that I've wanted to buy for some while. I've always worried that once I had this magnificent device there would be no turning back. I bought a Kitchen Aid mixer, I bought the meat grinder attachment, I bought a chuck roast. From chuck roast, to ground chuck, to burger. Life will never be the same.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Dry Aged Rib Eye

Alton Brown taught me that I could dry age steaks in my fridge. Also Christopher Curtis taught me first hand it was a great idea. So I bought a rib eye, on sale, a nice marbly one, and I dry aged it, put some great seasoning on it, then made a terrific steak. Seriously, I want all steaks to be at least this good.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sweet and Savory Couscous

Those Israelis have both kravmaga and couscous! I guess it makes sense, one gives life and the other takes it away. Above you see some delicious couscous that I steamed, to which I added some roasted chicken, raisins, onions, garlic, and dried long-an (sweet Vietnamese fruit thing). It was a sweet and savory delight.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Salmon Brie and Cheddar Omelette

This morning I made an omelette filled with cheese, cheese, onions and salmon. What you see above is the beautiful fold I made this morning, gooey cheesy, and filled with oily salmon flavors.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Triple Creme Brie Grilled Cheese Steak

Some sandwiches are simple better than others. This sandwich is better than yours. Seriously, go to your kitchen, and make a sandwich. Eat it. Ask yourself a question... is it even a contender? Does it have rib-eye steak and triple creme brie? Does it have perfect grill lines and golden brown triple nut oat bread? Does it love you back?

Monday, June 6, 2011

Steak and Mushroom Rissoto

Rice is delicious. My whole life I have been eating and enjoying it, and now I've found a new way to enjoy it. The Italian way. Start with wonderful short grain arborio rice, simmer it soft in a yummy stock mixture and put in steak and mushrooms, some corn and peas and carrots, and a fist full of hard Italian cheese, and you have yourself the beautiful steak and mushroom rissoto you see above.