Thursday, June 24, 2010

KBBQ at home!

For a long time I have deeply enjoyed a genre of foods known as KBBQ or Korean BBQ. Such establishments commonly have little gas powered BBQs embedded into their dining tables, and provide, for some nominal fee, limitless meats to be grilled therein. Today I did the unthinkable. My mother, God bless her, brought home, presumably from a Korean market, an otherworldly amount of Korean style marinated short ribs. I made them, and sautéed some mushrooms and green onions, and toasted up a baguette. KBBQ! At Home!

ISO 1000

Sunday, June 20, 2010

I went to the park yesterday and I saw this little humming bird buzzing about some flowers while I sat in the parking lot listening to the end of the Denmark-Camaroon game on my car stereo. Its too bad the Cameroon is out, but it turned out to be a great day in the park and some neat shots of a tiny bird.

ISO 3200
1/640 sec.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Last night my little brother and the Foothills class of 2010 graduated from High School. It was a bittersweet ceremony marking the end of an era. Over the past four years I have spent countless hours in mentor ship over many of these young men and women, and with this ceremony, my role as their High School church councilor comes to an end. A mixture of pride and excitement mingled with sadness at their moving on marks this occasion for me. I can only hope that future generations of youth will be as dear to me as these one.

I was unsure which version of this photo I liked more, so I thought I would simply post two.

ISO 3200

Saturday, June 5, 2010

San Diego

I spent some time in San Diego last weekend, and they have some very awesome architecture. This is the hotel that we stayed in. It was a good weekend with some good kids.

ISO 1600
21mm 16mm
f/9.0 f/2.8
1/800sec 1/20sec