I'm sorry Jason, but you are a bad man. You take food to new places where food simply should not go. You do things with fish sauce and other parts of other food-things that you should be ashamed of. You create mouth pleasure meal-time experiences that are un-natural, and simply un-godly. You've poisoned me, and I can't wait to go back and do it all again.

Brussels Sprouts, Benton's Bacon, and baby potatoes. These savory little greens tossed in a wonderfully mustard vinegary perfection carry the smokiness of the Benton's Bacon just perfectly. If you did not like Brussels Sprouts as a child, you should try these, and you might find that you like them now.
Risotto, Benton's Bacon, Manila Clams, and Chives. Lets be honest about this dish, Manila Clams are awesome. Benton's Bacon is awesome. Risotto is awesome. Chives are green and make stuff look good (I guess they awesome too). What is better than savory ocean stuffs. I'll tell you what.
Taglialini, Lamb Meatballs, San Marzano. This food is stupid. I don't know what a San Marzano (I think its a tomato) is, but this is the pasta and meatballs that I wish my grandmother made so that I could tell people that their pasta and meatballs is good, but that my grandmother's is better. My grandmothers is not better. This is better. The lamby meat balls, the sweet tomatoes, the fresh made pasta... this is better. I'll say it again.
This burger looking thing... its Nothing You'd Be Interested in (Hot Hatch Chili BBQ Bacon Cheeseburger with Avocado on house made bun, no big deal).
Fish Sauce Caramel Glazed Half Salmon Head. The Coup de Grace. The salty fish sauce caramel glaze on the fatty savory soft bits of salmon face, they will change your life. Some people might be squeamish about eating a salmon face, I am not. The variety of textures in the meat, the chared extra carmel bits of salmon skin, the especially savory cheek meat, every bit of this food was the best bite.